Dragi colegi,
Va rog nu uitati de chestionarul circulat de Carmen in urma participarii la AG Autism Europe. Este important sa il completam si sa centralizam info in timp si nu pe ultima suta de metrii la sfarsit de mai.
Pana in acest moment avem chestionarul completat de Nicoleta Niste –ISGI Training_3 May 2014_Questionnaire, Transylvania Autism Ass. Cluj. O sa il circul cu voi poate va inspira. Ar trebui sa avem raspuns de la toti cei 19 membrii FEDRA.
Va multumesc,
p.s. Haideti va rog sa folosim aceasta platforma de discutii pt ca ar fi pacat sa fi platit banuti pe ea si sa ramana aici fara utilitate.
Va reamintesc de chestionarul pe care vi l-am trimis ca urmare a participarii la AG a AE de la Luxembourg. Revin si cu intrebarea legata de comunicatul de presa/informarea pe aceasta participare si, fiindca tot vorbim de feedback, va rog sa nu uitati de materialele trimise de Camelia.
From: Aurelie Baranger
Date: 2014-05-13 18:27 GMT+03:00
Subject: ISGI questionnaire – Please contribute to the study on access to education and employment
To: Secretariat
Cc: Valentina Della Fina , Rachele Cera
FR ci-dessous
Dear all,
I hope this e-mail find you well, and I would like to thank you for your participation in Autism-Europe’s Annual General Assembly 2014 at the beginning of the month.
As you were informed during our meetings, in the framework of the EU Project Promoting Equal Rights for People with Autism in the Fields of Employment and Education (JUST/2013/PROG/AG/5004/NGOS), the Institute for International Legal Studies (ISGI) has prepared a questionnaire to get information on national legislations and policies concerning education and employment of persons with disabilities, in particular persons with ASD.
These information are useful for the ISGI in order to prepare a legal study on the implementation of Article 24 (Education) and 27 (Work and Employment) of the UNCRPD in the domestic legal orders.
I kindly ask you to fill out the ISGI questionnaire, herewith attached, by the end of May and send it to the following email addresses: valentina.dellafina@cnr.it and rachele.cera@cnr.it, please cc: secretariat@autismeurope.org
Many thanks for your kind cooperation,
Best regards,